"I Am Not the Christ"

John 1:6-20

Rev. Charlie Phillips

If the highlight and focus of Christmas is the Incarnation of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, then our worship and adoration of Him must be at the forefront. Why? Because that’s where our true Christmas hope, peace, joy, and love are found. We warmly invite you, your family, and friends to attend two services crafted to help us all enjoy our blessed Savior together. We’ll gather on Christmas Eve at 6pm for a service of carols and Scripture lessons. And on Christmas Day we’ll come together for our Sabbath worship at 11am. Please feel free to come as you are to both services. Children in pj’s are quite welcome!

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"Love Came Down"

John 15:12-17

Rev. Barr Overcast

It's the greatest commandment and the first of the fruits of the Spirit. According to the Beatles, it's "all you need," and according to the apostle Paul, it's the "more excellent way." Love. Join us this Sunday as we celebrate the fact that at Christmas love came down.

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"Tidings of Comfort and Joy"

Isaiah 61:1-11

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said that “a prison cell, in which one waits, hopes, and is completely dependent on the fact that the door of freedom has to be opened from the outside, is not a bad picture of Advent”. Join us this Sunday as we consider joy from the perspective of the redeeming work of Christ!

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"Peace on Earth, Goodwill Toward Men"

Ephesians 2:11-22

Rev. Charlie Phillips

It’s ironic that we celebrate Christmas as a season of peace (enter in all the lyrics of our beloved Christmas carols—“sleep in heavenly peace”, “peace on earth, goodwill toward men”, etc) when it is likely our most hurried and restless season of the year. Join us this Sunday as we trace the peace we’re promised—the peace that should dominate our hearts and lives this holiday—back to its origin.

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"Hope Floats"

Jeremiah 29:1-14

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Join us this first Sunday of Advent as we study the theme of hope. RC Sproul said that hope is the anchor of the soul. The reason? Because hope “is not simply a wish that such-and-such would take place. Rather, it is that which latches on to the certainty of the promises of the future that God has made.” Bring a friend or family member and gather with us for hope-filled worship!

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"True Colors"

Daniel 12:1-12

Rev. Charlie Phillips

I always get emotional at the end of a good book. Daniel is no exception. The past three months have led us through the hills of God’s sovereignty, our suffering in exile, and the grace of Christ that fortifies the faithful. Join us this week as we conclude our series by studying the end of days.

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"Nations Rage"

Daniel 11:1-45

Rev. Barr Overcast

You don't have to watch the news for long before you witness the fact that "the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain." How can we as God's people navigate this "raging of the nations"? Join us this Sunday to learn about our God who stands above the chaotic flow of history and controls kings and kingdoms.

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"Pulling Back the Curtain"

Daniel 10:1-21

Rev. Charlie Phillips

John Calvin once said this of all Christians—that by God’s Word we have been “forewarned that an enemy relentlessly threatens us, an enemy who is the very embodiment of rash boldness, of military prowess, of crafty wiles, of untiring zeal and haste, of every conceivable weapon and of skill in the science of warfare”. Clearly, Calvin took spiritual warfare seriously…and so should we! Join us this Sunday as we pull back the curtain on the hidden spiritual realties of life.

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"Praying the Promises"

Daniel 9:1-27

Rev. Charlie Phillips

John Owen once famously said this—“what an individual is in secret, on his knees before God, that he is and no more”. The first time I read that quote I was filled with shame. The reason was that I had struggled to connect with God in prayer on and off throughout my lifetime. But it wasn’t Owen’s intention to shame Christians. The shame was all mine, and it was because for a large portion of my life I simply didn’t know how to pray. I suspect that I’m not the only one in the church that’s dealt with this struggle. For people like me, Daniel chapter 9 is a Godsend. Join us this Sunday as we encounter the great prophet praying the promises of God.

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"Please Leave a Message"

1 Thessalonians 1:4-10

Rev. Hal Farnsworth

The healthy, vibrant, and thus effective church, is one that is committed to God’s mission to gather the nations. The Thessalonian church stands out as one that was clearly on this mission. In chapter one we see just how effective they were, 8 The Lord’s message rang out from you not only in Macedonia and Achaia—your faith in God has become known everywhere. In this text we discover some very important keys, when implemented, with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, will enable the local church to be a blessing to those inside and outside the church.

Hal Farnsworth is Founder of Edgewood Ministries. Hal is former Senior Minister at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Athens, Georgia. Before he planted Redeemer in 1996, he was a campus minister with Reformed University Fellowship (PCA) at Vanderbilt and Mississippi State. Besides pastoring Redeemer for almost 26 years and serving as campus minister for 11 years, Hal has trained church planters in the US and Africa. Hal has also been involved with training RUF campus ministers. In 2003, he founded Downtown Ministries, an outreach to the marginalized in Athens, GA. In 2014 Downtown Academy was created as a continuing ministry of Downtown Ministries. Hal is married to Mary Beth Chandler Farnsworth. They have 4 children and 7 grandchildren. He lives with Mary Beth in Athens, GA.

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"Danger Ahead"

Daniel 8:1-27

Rev. Barr Overcast

God "does not promise that his people will never suffer but that no suffering will ever eradicate his people; he does not promise that we will never die for the kingdom of God but that the kingdom of God will never die." Come this week to find out what the Persian Empire, Alexander the Great, and some guy named Antiochus IV can teach us about living through opposition to God and His people.

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"Night Dream Believer"

Daniel 7:1-28

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Last week we studied one of the most well known stories in the entire Bible. This week we turn the page to a new section in the book of Daniel with visions and details much less known. But are they less important? Join us this week as we dive into one of the most important chapters in the Old Testament

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"Against All Odds"

Daniel 6:1-28

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday we will conclude the first half of the book of Daniel with a story that everyone has engaged with dozens of times-perhaps the most well-known story in the Bible. What can we learn from Daniel as he faces the lions? What overarching themes are woven throughout the entire first section of the book? Join us as we dive into chapter 6!

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"Banquet in the Grave"

Daniel 5:1-31

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This week we’ll be jumping ahead in time in the book of Daniel to encounter another ruler bent on defying God and living for himself. It begs the question as to why Daniel is so stuck on this theme? What is it that he wants for us to take away from this series as a whole? Join us this Sunday as we meet the devious and pathetic ruler, Belshazzar.

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"Lifter of the Lowly"

Daniel 4:1-37

Rev. Barr Overcast

Two weeks ago, we were introduced to King Nebuchadnezzar. We have watched this proud man wrestle with dreams, set up idolatrous statues, and experience humbling before his own fiery furnace. Daniel 4 brings us to the end of Nebuchadnezzar's story and once again, he is faced with a dream from God. Come this week as we learn from Nebuchadnezzar's story about the grace of God that is found in both His humbling and exalting us.

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"Faith Under Fire"

Daniel 3:1-30

Rev. Charlie Phillips

If Christians pay attention, they will notice that over the years there’s a real tendency in their hearts to see the Bible as stayed…lifeless…and boring. But our text this week proves the exact opposite. This is perhaps one of the most frightening chapters of the Bible, with people literally being burned to death by the heat of a human-baking furnace. Join us as we encounter the faithful stand of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.

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"Way Maker Part 2"

Daniel 2:24-49

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Last week we talked about God as our Way maker—that He lives to reach into the lives of His people to make a way through even the most impenetrable impasse. This is best evidenced by the slaughter of His Son on the cross for sinners-Jesus Himself being the way. Join us this week as we further study God as our Way maker in the second half of Daniel chapter 2.

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"Way Maker"

Daniel 2:1-23

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Just when you think things can’t get any worse for Daniel and his friends, the evil king Nebuchadnezzar has a bad dream. And a bad dream for Nebuchadnezzar is bad news for everyone under his thumb. How will Daniel and his friends evade the newly adopted death sentence against their lives? What will be their source of help and redemption? Join us this week as we continue our new series in the book of Daniel.

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"Into the Belly of the Beast"

Daniel 1:1-21

Rev. Charlie Phillips

This Sunday we’ll be diving back in time nearly 2500 years to 605BC when the forces of darkness prevailed upon God’s people in an unimaginable way. This was surely one of the darkest seasons in redemptive history, and yet hope shone through and was magnified by a few faithful exiles. Join us this week as begin our study of the captivating book of Daniel.

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What a Savior


Luke 24:36-53

Rev. Charlie Phillips

It’s hard to believe that after 21 months we will finally conclude our series on the Gospel of Luke this Sunday. Not surprisingly, Luke ends his Gospel with a detailed account of the extraordinary grace of Christ…topped off with an incredible blessing to boot. Join us this week for one last glimpse into the life of Jesus through the lens of the beloved physician and evangelist, Luke.

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