"Walk Worthy"

Ephesians 4:1-3

Rev. Charlie Phillips

It’s crazy to think that the New Year is just days away! This is the season when people from all around the globe contemplate their lives in hopes of change and growth. While this might be a cultural tradition, there is certainly biblical merit in assessing one’s life. Join us this Sunday as we talk about walking worthy of the call we’ve received as believers.

"It's a Wonderful Love"

Isaiah 55:1-13

Dr. Stephen Estock

In Christmas, God gives an invitation to all who struggle with the hard things of life. Though John doesn't include a traditional Christmas story, he summarizes well the message of Jesus' birth: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life." (Jn 3:16). Hundreds of years before Mary gave birth in Bethlehem, God gave a similar invitation through Isaiah to a struggling people who feared God had abandoned them. Then and now, God is faithful to freely offer his love.

Dr. Stephen Estock is the coordinator of the PCA’s Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM). His passion is to equip the local church by providing resources, training, and encouragement so that Christ may be glorified and the Gospel may go forth.

"Captivating Joy"

Isaiah 52:7-10

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Join us this Sunday as we continue our Advent series in the book of Isaiah. This week we’ll be looking at Isaiah 52:7-10, which describes the kind of captivating joy we ought to have as the redeemed of Christ. Isaac Watts captured this joy well in his beloved hymn when he said, “Joy to the world, the Lord has come. Let earth receive her king”. Invite a friend or family member and gather with us to rejoice in our King!

"The Righteous Reign of Our King"

Isaiah 11:1-10

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Most of us from time to time experience moments of peace—whether it be during a vacation with family, while reading a good book with a cup of coffee, or simply lying down for a much needed nap. But because these moments are fleeting we are bereft of the imagination required to understand the totality of peace that Jesus will lavish upon us when His kingdom is fully consummated. Join us this Sunday as we light the second candle of Advent and learn about the pervasive peace of King Jesus’ rule from Isaiah

chapter 11.

"From Darkness to Light"

Isaiah 9:1-7

Rev. Charlie Phillips

It’s amazing to believe that the Advent season is already upon us! R.C. Sproul once said, “Advent.. is that time when we seek to, in a manner of speaking, mute our memory of what has already happened, that we might brighten our joy that it happened. We leave the already of His advent to taste the bitter of the not yet. We, in short, go back, that we might look forward to His coming”. Join us this Sunday as we begin our four-part series in the book of Isaiah with a sermon entitled, “From Darkness to Light”.

" What's so Amazing About Grace?"

Luke 19:1-10

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Growing up in the church I always thought that “grace” was a boring word. It was a “church” word. It was a dusty old word of which preachers couldn’t get enough. My pastor, in particular, seemed to have a small vocabulary—he said it so much! But according to Scripture, grace isn’t a church word, but rather a force that breaks through our atmosphere, completely re-orienting reality. Join us this Sunday as we talk about what makes grace so amazing!

" Believing is Seeing"

Luke 18:31-43

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Have you ever considered the thought that you might be blind? Obviously, a person knows if they can physically see or not. But a person cannot tell if they are spiritually blind or unable to grasp the truths of Scripture. Join us this Sunday as we encounter two short stories in Luke’s Gospel that deal with blindness on a physical and spiritual level.

" Why Do You Call Me Good?"

Luke 18:18-30

Rev. Stephen Maginas

In Luke 18, Jesus asks a compelling question to a rich young man: “why do you call me good?” It’s an amazing question for us as well. Our answer to that question not only reveals what we believe about Jesus, but also what we believe about ourselves. For the rich young man, the answer was too hard to bear. What does the answer reveal about us?

Stephen Maginas was the RUF director at Emory University for 9 years. He currently serves the PCA in providing financial planning and assistance to pastors and staff.

"Precious Words"

Psalm 19:7-14

Dr. Stephen Estock

Though Georgia is part of the “Bible belt,” we live in a culture where many know about the Bible but struggle to live by the Bible. Psalm 19 describes how God has chosen to reveal Himself to His creation. His written Word is a gift we must treasure, for in it we have “wonderful words of life.”

Dr. Stephen Estock is the coordinator of the PCA’s Committee on Discipleship Ministries (CDM). His passion is to equip the local church by providing resources, training, and encouragement so that Christ may be glorified and the Gospel may go forth.

" The Path Less Taken"

Luke 18:9-14

Rev. Charlie Phillips

In Luke 18:9-14, Jesus tells yet another parable about prayer. This time He focuses on the way we approach God, honing in on the sin of self-righteousness. According to Jesus, this sin is much more deadly and deceptive than we will ever realize. Charles Spurgeon was right when he said, “The greatest enemy to human souls is the self-righteous spirit which makes men look to themselves for salvation”. Join us this Sunday as we fight our self-righteousness and pursue humility in Christ.

" The Power of Persistent Prayer"

Luke 18:1-8

Rev. Charlie Phillips

George Mueller, the great minister to orphans once said, “The great fault of the children of God is, they do not continue in prayer; they do not go on praying; they do not persevere. If they desire anything for God’s glory, they should pray until they get it”. Is that our attitude in prayer? Are we persistent in our efforts in communicating with Almighty God? Do we believe it makes a difference? Join us this Sunday as we learn about the power of persistent prayer in Luke 18:1-8.

" Thy Kingdom Come"

Luke 17:20-37

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Once a month we say the Lord's Prayer as a body of believers in church and when we do we pray for the coming of God's kingdom. What do we mean when we pray that? When will God's kingdom come and what will it be like? Jesus addresses these questions and more at the end of Luke 17, telling us that when a believer truly understands the kingdom of God it changes him or her. Join us this Sunday as we continue our series in the Gospel of Luke.

" The Power to Bring You Hope"

Psalm 119:17-24

Rev. Lee Lovett

This week Reverend Lee Lovett will continue a series based on Psalm 119 entitled “Tasting the Power of the Word of God!” In recent years, it appears that many churches & Christians seem to be more focused on Christian self-help books and social media in guiding their lives & have lost the truth of what Heb. 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” – FACT: In your hands, you have God’s Word! Power to change your life and others’ lives by the work of the Holy Spirit! This week we'll be diving into verses 17-24 and talking about the power to bring us hope...

" The Power to Keep Your Heart Happy"

Psalm 119:9-16

Rev. Lee Lovett

For the next two weeks, Reverend Lee Lovett will continue a series based on Psalm 119 entitled “Tasting the Power of the Word of God!” In recent years, it appears that many churches & Christians seem to be more focused on Christian self-help books and social media in guiding their lives & have lost the truth of what Heb. 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” – FACT: In your hands, you have God’s Word! Power to change your life and others’ lives by the work of the Holy Spirit! This week we'll be diving into verses 9-16 and talking about the power to keep our hearts healthy.

" Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing"

Psalm 119:1-8

Rev. Lee Lovett

For the next three weeks, Reverend Lee Lovett will be preaching a series based on Psalm 119 entitled “Tasting the Power of the Word of God!” In recent years, it appears that many churches & Christians seem to be more focused on Christian self-help books and social media in guiding their lives & have lost the truth of what Heb. 4:12 says, “For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” – FACT: In your hands, you have God’s Word! Power to change your life and others’ lives by the work of the Holy Spirit!

Therefore we will be looking at:

1) September 19- Keeping the Main Thing the Main Thing. Psa. 119:1-8

2) September 26- The Power to Keep your Heart Healthy. Psa. 119:9-16

3) October 3- The Power to bring you Hope. Psa. 119:17-24

We hope that this “tasting” will encourage you to take in all of Psa. 119 and renew an appreciation of the power of the Word.

"Approaching and Appreciating Jesus"

Luke 17:11-19

Rev. Charlie Phillips

Have you ever given though to your posture towards Jesus or the way you approach him? How do you approach him? Do you approach him? Did you know that the way you relate to Jesus reveals something about you? Join us this Sunday as we encounter 10 men who approached Jesus in a surprising way. From their actions we learn a great deal about ourselves and the God we serve.

"God’s Design for Relationships"

Romans 13:8-10

Dr. Sukhwant Bhatia

One of the casualties of the Covid-19 Pandemic has been broken fellowships/relationships. One of the ministries of the Holy Spirit has been to build a new community for God. On Sunday, August 29, 2021, the worship service will focus on Bible passages to learn about God’s Design for us to enjoy one another in the body of Christ. We will also get an update from our speaker about their ministry in northwest India.

"Do You Want to be Healed?"

John 5:1-15

Rev. Stephen Maginas

In John 5, Jesus asks a man who had been an invalid for 38 years, “Do you want to be healed?” This seems like an odd question to pose to a sick person. So, why does Jesus ask it? Whenever God asks a question toward humanity (e.g., “where are you,” “why are you so angry,” “do you not yet understand,” “do you love me” etc.) we need to do the work of exploring the answer. What we find to that exploration, over and over again in the gospel of Jesus Christ, is an invitation towards God’s grace and a call towards gratitude. This passage helps us find that truth.